So, you got mixed up again - "getting off the wheel" of endless transmigration means that you no longer have to be reincarnated as a soul-monad. It's not for those like yourself that are already liberated - it's for those millions of people that are suffering every day from pain, lamentation and grief, disease and old age.

Just because you're living in heaven on earth now doesn't mean you can't have some compassion for others that are suffering. While you continue to see life through rose-colored glasses that doesn't prove that others are not suffering. Apparently you got so mixed up in the material world that you forgot all about the spiritual path and why you first became a Buddhist. Go figure.

  On 10/26/2013 7:08 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In, "TurquoiseB" wrote:
> I've never really understood those seekers who want to "get off the
> wheel," meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
> I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
> never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for
> them.

OMG, another one:

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