Good meeting. A full amphitheater at Dalby Hall on MUM campus. Good 
foundational lecture/video by Maharishi visiting Fairfield, Iowa back when the 
Fairfield meditating community was raising the first Dome. Group meditation 
numbers in those days from the places around campus were around 1500. After the 
video was time for some q and a discussion. A question was asked of the group 
there, how many people present at this meeting were there for the lecture by 
Maharishi originally?  About half of the room. That was really interesting to 
note the depth to which we are still quite the seasoned experienced veteran 
group of the old movement of those days when you consider that. It was a good 
meditating community meeting. I was struck by how patient Bevan is although he 
could also have every right to be impatient with things too given the 
circumstance of the numbers of how things have gone. Was a meeting of the 
meditating community here in progress. -Buck        

---In, <> wrote:

 Yep, venue is at  Dalby Hall 

 Saturday, November 2nd at 1:30 pm
 Dalby Hall
 Notice how much softer and inclusive this announcement reads than the original 
announcement by substituting the words 'meditating community'  for the words 
'Yogic Flyers'?  Turqb mentioned a while ago how alienating it is to drive with 
the "yogic flyer" distinction between meditators of the community.  There is a 
valid observation there. Is interesting the administration is determined to 
drive the distinction seemingly to the end. 

 Saturday, November 2nd at 1:30 pm 
 Dalby Hall

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 Buck, the poster I saw said it was being held in Dalby Hall.

 Video of Maharishi's historic lecture of Dec. 27, 1979, where he discussed 
with the meditating community of the Creating Coherence Program their deepest 
 This event happened in the Field House during Maharishi's visit to Maharishi 
International University to witness the final stages of the building of the 
first Golden Dome.
 This tape has been rarely seen. There will be plenty of time for questions and 
answers, and discussion.

 Jai Guru Dev






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