Then *love* (not emotion, being watery) would be given over to the fire signs 
and the sun, yes? Here's a distinction between love and emotion?

---In, <> wrote:

  Share and Billy,

 In jyotish and western astrology, the Moon is the significator of the mind and 
emotions since the Moon is the quickest moving object in the skies.  It is also 
associated with Soma, the mother and the ocean tides.

 In vedic literature, Soma is the plant that provided bliss in the mind.  And, 
the Moon is the ruler of Cancer, the fourth house from Aries, which pertains to 
the mother (the one who cares and nurtures us), and inward feelings of the 

 Further, the cycle of the Moon affects the tides of the oceans, and the 
menstrual cycles and emotions of females.

 Hence, in combining all of these factors, the Moon is the natural significator 
for the mind and emotions.

 On the other hand, Mercury, in jyotish, represents logic and reasoning.  The 
sanskrit word for Mercury is the Buddha which signifies the intelligence in 
human beings.  In Greek and Roman mythology, Mercury or Hermes is associated 
with speed in delivering the message.  Thus, a person with a strong Mercury in 
the chart will be excellent in his or her speaking, writing, and reasoning 

---In, <> wrote:

 I don't think John meant the moon signified the mind, rather the moon in 
Pieces affects the mind (like all of the other signs affect each other as a 
composite whole) in an emotional, imaginative way depending on the aspects and 
other indicators.
 Moon in Pieces makes one very sensitive, perhaps too much depending on the 
other aspects. FWIW
---In, <> wrote:

 John, I still a bit perplexed about why jyotish calls the Moon the 
significator of the mind, rather than Mercury.

 On Sunday, November 3, 2013 1:10 PM, "jr_esq@..." <jr_esq@...> wrote:

 Pisces is a dual sign and is watery by astrological definition.  If the Moon 
is placed here, the Moon becomes more sensitive since the Moon is already 
wavering and watery by nature.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote:

 Why was it written that Jesus was born in a manger?  Because he was born on 
December 25 which astrologically lies between the signs of Sagittarius, a 
horse, and Capricorn, the goat.  Interesting?  Bill Donohue explains more of 
his observations as follows:;list=PL4HZ228v9duPReHJuT6prrAUc9BzFEo_t






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