This is such an extraordinary story. It would be astonishing even without the 
connection to Nazi looting and Hitler's ideas on "degenerate art." But with 
that background, it just takes your breath away.

 Here's a NYTimes report with a slide show of seven of the most impressive 
works in this treasure trove:


 Apparently these are photos of slides shown by the German authorities at the 
press conference announcing the find, so they aren't the best reproductions, 
but they're decent-sized, and you certainly can get enough of a flavor of the 
quality of the works (especially the stunning Matisse) to appreciate the 
importance of the discovery.

 This is another Times piece on the find, a moving historical perspective with 
detailed commentary on several of the works and artists:


 More on the Nazis' exhibit of "degenerate art":


 About three times as many people attended this exhibit as attended another one 
of Nazi-"approved" art (much of it propagandistic) running at the same time. 
It's not hard to imagine that many of the visitors to the "degenerate" exhibit 
came not to sneer and criticize but to appreciate the much higher quality of 
its works before the Nazis did away with them.


---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:

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