Maybe we can assume that those informants who post negative messages early in the morning are those that did not meditate. If they did meditate, and they are still prone to posting negative messages early in the morning, then maybe they should get checked or adopt another type of spiritual practice.

Those who choose instead to try to post positive messages are probably on a spiritual trip of some kind and probably meditate very regularly. Maybe the TurqoiseB was correct when he observed that if this is an example what TM produces in people, then it might be better to just sit quietly, contemplate your navel, and watch your breath for a few minutes every day.

And, there's always the possibility that the schoolyard bully likes to meditate, and while meditating dreams up new ways to abuse his or her peers. Go figure.

One thing is fer sure, most of us are posting from an office on company equipment. Get to work!

On 11/11/2013 7:57 PM, wrote:

---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

You've got to realize, Share, that getting up in the morning and turning a perfectly good thread to shit is the first thing on some people's agenda.

We only have your word to go on but I could agree with you that getting up in the morning and taking a good shit is the first thing on most people's agenda.

It's like an addiction or a prop; part of their morning ritual.

Absolutely, there is nothing like flushing down the tubes that potent mixture of digested waste matter. You gotta know it's true!

Another thing you need to realize is that this posting may be the only spiritual practice they do on a regular basis.

Spiritual shmiritual, most of us just have pure and simple bloodlust - including you when you're not all about the poop.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the informants here actually go to bed at night and dream what they can post here the next morning.

Yes, when we're not dreaming about Barry.

The rule here is, if it's posted by the TurquoiseB, then it should get pooped on- it's inherent in the design.

Says the man who has smeared more excrement on Barry than the next runner up.

You've got to know your adversary and what buttons need to be pushed in order to get a negative response. LoL!

Hardee har har. Go figure.

    On 11/11/2013 10:23 AM, Share Long wrote:

Ok, Richard, here's one theory: operant conditioning. If the negative comments get responded to more than positive comments do, then duh, people are gonna post negative comments. As you say, people just want to talk with someone (-:

On Monday, November 11, 2013 9:00 AM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> <mailto:punditster@...> wrote: It took just over three hours for this FFL thread to turn into a shit pile. Go figure.

On 11/11/2013 7:23 AM, anartaxius@... <mailto:anartaxius@...> wrote:
And in addition Buck -

You posted this last year as well. Your repetitious plagiarism, spamming, and typical lack of original thinking here rather ill suits communicating to those on this forum. There is a spark in there somewhere Buck - it shows very occasionally - why not work on letting that come through instead of this ponderous Bible thumping approach which was better suited to a previous age. You are making it appear that meditation has zero effect on a person's life. The dinosaurs disappeared 65,000,000 years ago. Time to catch up!

---In <>, <authfriend@...> <mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:

Buck wrote:

*> It is not that these meditators have lived, but that they have so lived...that they offered * *> themselves willingly in a cause vital and dear to humanity; and what is more, a cause they * *> comprehended as such, and looking at it, in all its bearings and its consequences, solemnly * *> pledged to it all that they had and were.... This comprehension of the cause, this intelligent * *> devotion, this deliberate dedication of themselves to duty, they suffered in testimony of their * *> loyalty, faith and love, make these meditators worthy of honor today, not merely that the cause *
*> was worthy but that they were worthy.*

Excerpt from Civil War Brigadier General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain's 1884 Memorial Day Address:

It is not that these men are dead, but that they have so died...that they offered themselves willingly to death in a cause vital and dear to humanity; and what is more, a cause they comprehended as such, and looking at it, in all its bearings and its consequences, solemnly pledged to it all that they had and were.... This comprehension of the cause—this intelligent devotion—this deliberate dedication of themselves to duty—these deaths suffered in testimony of their loyalty, faith and love, make these men worthy of honor today, and these deaths equal to the lauded deaths of martyrs. Not merely that the cause was worthy but that they were worthy....

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