
 Hillary has a weak Sun, due to its neechabhanga (cancellation of debilitation) 
status, in the first house.  There is an indicator that she would rather retire 
from government service and write her memoirs.

 She was born under the sign of Libra and the Moon was in Aquarius.

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 Yes, John, I wondered about Hillary's chart. Does she have something harmful 
in the first or seventh? 

 On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 11:35 AM, "jr_esq@..." <jr_esq@...> wrote:
   Are the Democrats trying to prime her for the presidency?  She certainly has 
the family name for credibility.  And, she's young enough to tackle the job.

 On the other hand, I just looked up Hillary's jyotish chart which shows that 
she will be running a weak period starting in 2015.  So, it appears that there 
will be something that will hinder her from running as a presidential candidate 
in 2016.




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