With a birthday coming are you taking early SS? With a big enough check from the USG it might be worth it. I've even considered it myself as this dumbass country wants us old farts to work until we drop dead but then they don't want to hire us old farts.

On 11/20/2013 10:52 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I am a fortunate frood. I am sitting in a charming sidewalk cafe in the
Butte aux Cailles, sipping an acceptable beer, and getting paid to do
it. Sorta. I'm getting paid to be in Paris, by my client, for whom I
write tech stuff by day. And I have no reason to complain. The Airbnb
apartment I'm staying in for this two-week period is the nicest I've
ever found, the quartier is very lively and interesting, and the day
work for my client is going well. By night I get to haunt the cafes.

So why did I give notice last week, and tell my client that I'm leaving
at the end of my current contract?

The short answer is, "It's time."

There are many answers, of course, and because I'm me, and because this
is a cool writing cafe, with a cozy-warm outdoor terrace even in the
chilly weather, I'll rap about some of them. Be warned.

* It's time. This is an opportune time for me to bow out of the project
I'm working on, because one software release cycle has just finished,
and the next is longer so they'll have ample time to find a replacement
tech writer. I do not bear the company any ill will, and would gladly
continue to work for them if I could do so from home. Unfortunately,
they have BBBRs (Big Bureaucratic Business Rules) that prohibit them
from allowing contractors to work from home.

* It's time. The gig, although it's been fascinating and lucrative, has
been wearing on me a bit physically. All the travel, the lugging of
suitcases around, and all that have begun to wear on me such that I'm
losing my appreciation of this great city. Can't have that.

* It's time. As much as I love Paris, I've been finding lately that I
love Leiden more. So I'd like to spend more time there.

* It's time. I have other things I'd prefer to write about than the
product my current client is paying me to write about.

* It's time. And, interestingly enough, *about* time. Now that I've
given my notice, I know that I only have a limited number of days left
in Paris on my client's nickel. I think this will inspire me to
appreciate them more, and take them less for granted.

So the long answer seems to be the same as the short answer. "It's

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