Religion will stand for nothing if its foundational principles are that gay 
people are not permitted to marry, or that women cannot be priests, or other 
small-minded obsessions with sex and gender.

---In, <> wrote:

 Little sheep that have lost their way, is all! Pretty soon Religion will stand 
for nothing.

 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Actually, more and more religionists are supporting gay marriage, exactly 
because they believe that to be against it would be contrary to the moral and 
ethical foundations of their religion.

 ---In, <> wrote:

 Most Religions have lost contact with their essential source of knowledge, 
that is, pure intelligence, or Being as Consciousness.  As such, they are like 
ships with a damaged rudder, better than nothing but not very effective.

 Slowly, as ethical humanism takes over decaying Religion, the ethical and 
moral foundations of Religions will all be knocked slowly away (note gay 
marriage) by the intellectual elite who happen to be atheists.

 Life, without a guide, will disintegrate until a revival of knowledge and 
experience and *Religious Science*  replace moral relativism and ethical 

 True knowledge of the true principles of living can never be totally lost...

 ---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote:


 I believe the Catholic Church considers the role of women to be motherhood and 
not as patriarchs of the church.  The Church may change its stance depending on 
how well the female bishops in the other denominations are perceived by the 
general public.  Also, the Church may change depending on the quality of men 
that enter the seminary to become priests.

 ---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:

 Probably not as long as men are running the show. 

 ---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote:

 This appears to be the trend among Protestant Christian churches.  But one 
wonders if the Catholic Church would ever accept women as priests.


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