It goes a lot deeper than Sir Paul McCartney. Sadhus have used it for thousands 
of years and is still use it to celebrate Shivaratri in the form of *bhang*. 
You could say it's.... *traditional*.

On Friday, November 22, 2013 12:42 PM, Richard J. Williams 
<> wrote:
Never let an opportunity go by to fink on your old friends.

On 11/22/2013 1:41 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
>Bucky, while I agree with your sentiments, the facts are that drug use on 
>campus itself has been there as long as MIU/MUM has been there. There were 
>drugs used and sold on campus in the 80's when I was there, and if you can 
>believe some of the post on the FB page MUM Secrets, the passing years have 
>seen an upsurge in dope sales and use on campus and I bet in town too.
>Now, one could point the finger of blame at the townies,
              but one cannot fault the meditators of Fairfield if they
              take dope, and sell it too. 
>I mean after all, the have the fine example of Sir Paul
              McCartney to look up to. 
>You know, Sir Paul, musician, former Beatle, main-most
              famouser than the other TM celebs since he hung out with
              the Great and Might Oz (I mean Marshy), current TM booster
              and 40 some year daily doper.
>On Fri, 11/22/13, wrote:
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditator Kids caught,
              allegedly holding the Pot.
>Date: Friday, November 22, 2013, 3:54 PM
>Thank you for
>not selling
>drugs or supplying alcohol to our FF spiritual

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