On other forums I've been on, dishonest posts were criticized and the dishonest 
posters taken severely to task by the rest of the group. (On moderated forums, 
repeat offenders were warned once or twice, then thrown off the forum if the 
bad behavior continued. I don't recommend that for FFL; I think strong 
community disapproval would greatly reduce the dishonesty quotient. I mention 
banning only to point out that many folks consider dishonesty to be utterly 

 Is that clear enough for you? This is a supposedly spiritually oriented forum. 
It seems to me that if spirituality is about anything, it's about being 
truthful. If honesty isn't held as a value, what can it possibly mean to be 

 I note that you have not commented on the exposure of the dishonesty in your 
recent post quoted below. Should I assume this means you think it was perfectly 
OK to describe it knowingly inaccurately?

 Share wondered:
 > Judy, what's the action step? What is it that you'd like to see happen? 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 See, this is what happens when a group tolerates dishonesty. When there are no 
sanctions against it, not even disapproval, even the weaker members start using 
dishonesty to justify themselves, as Share does here. The more people who feel 
safe being dishonest, the more a mythical, false story about the group and its 
members and interactions takes shape and displaces the real one. History, as 
they say, is written by the winners, so those who care about having an accurate 
history need to ensure the liars don't win.

 Here's the post in question; decide for yourselves whether Share's description 
of it below is truthful (note the many qualifying phrases that Share flatly 
denies it contained--including, ironically, "it sounds like," which she 
specifically mentions below):



 Plus which, as I've pointed out before, Share had gotten on my bad side well 
before this.

 Share lied:

 > Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did such 
 > and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my opinion or it 
 > sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such 
 > and such. She just declared that I did such and such as if she could see 
 > inside my head and know, without error, what I had been thinking and 
 > feeling. I had never experienced someone communicating like that. It was 
 > like a foreign language and as such, I didn't even know how to respond. 

> I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not change. In 
> fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to fight with 
> everyone.



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