Be specific . What facts did I attribute to founding fathers that were 

On Wednesday, December 4, 2013 9:15 AM, Bhairitu <> wrote:
Well your facts are wrong about the founding fathers.  Did you know that 
corporations were limited to a 40 year life span and then they had to be 
dissolved?  They also had to prove to do public good.  Santa Clara vs Southern 
Pacific changed that (another mucking up by the Supremes).

On 12/04/2013 06:05 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
>No dude, I had a typical public education. I grew up very liberal and anti 
>-capitalist until I got my first job,LOL! My eyes opened and M's teaching  
>began to sink in. I remember Varmaji telling me "you are the creator of your 
>own destiny" and I started developing a strong sense of personal 
>reponsability, self reliance and independance. About this time I remember the 
>Democrats along with Jimmy Carter telling me "they only wanted to help me" but 
>I saw them waving a dollar in my face to buy my vote while stealing ten out of 
>my back pocket. Then Ronald Reagan came along. THANK YOU JESUS! 
>On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 8:53 AM, Bhairitu 
>So you were home schooled by Birchers?
>On 12/02/2013 05:00 PM, Mike Dixon
>>Snoozguru, you must have been snoozing in your history class. The founding 
>>fathers were not put-off on capitalism. They loved it! Their economic system 
>>was capitalism based on Laissez-Faire(government hands off business).  They 
>>wanted no government regulation of business other than to prevent fraud and 
>>theft,They didn't like the East India Co. because it was owned or controlled 
>>by King George. 
>>On Monday, December 2, 2013 4:02 PM, Richard J. Williams 
>> wrote:
>>Apparently Redbox, like almost all ATMs, work using an old fashioned 
                                                          connections -
                                                          you can hear
                                                          the dialing if
                                                          you listen
                                                          real close. 
>>There's no way
                                                          it could be a
                                                          connection on
                                                          an ATM, 
>>otherwise any
                                                          two-bit hacker
                                                          could tap into
                                                          the cash box
                                                          and get rich, 
>>fast. Correct
                                                          me if I'm
                                                          wrong about
>>On 12/2/2013
                                                          4:40 PM,
>>> Even
                                                          returning a
                                                          disc at Redbox
                                                          was a bit

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