Re "The mystical psychiatrist Richard Maurice Bucke distinguished between three 
types of consciousness: Simple Consciousness, awareness of the body, possessed 
by many animals; Self Consciousness, awareness of being aware, possessed only 
by humans; and Cosmic Consciousness, awareness of the life and order of the 
universe, possessed only by humans who are enlightened.":


 Bucke's experience of CC only lasted a minute or so. Some of his friends later 
advised him to try Indian yoga to learn how to replicate the experience. He 
wasn't interested. It wasn't that he didn't believe that yoga/meditation could 
alter someone's state but he regarded it as too much like "taking heaven by 
storm". It was evolution of the race that would gradually produce more 
enlightened humans - in the same way that "self consciousness" had naturally 
arisen out of "simple consciousness". Was he right?

 It's striking that Gopi Krishna (of kundalini fame), living in India and 
spending a lifetime on the spiritual quest, said that he'd only ever met two 
people he regarded as fully awakened. One was an anonymous sadhu who emerged 
from a forest about whom we know nothing; the other was Ramana Maharshi. Now 
one thing we do know about Maharshi is that he achieved his awakening 
spontaneously and *not* as a result of doing yoga/meditation or other spiritual 
exercises. So he was a "natural mystic" in Bucke's sense. Maybe the "anonymous 
sadhu" was a "natural" also.

 Perhaps we should all be more relaxed about the spiritual trip and just let 
Mother Nature take her course. She probably knows better than us what it's all 

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