They say it's the "moon's day" and 7:45 PM based on planetary rotation around the sun. Time is relative and the universe is curved, according to Albert. There is the "past" which is already gone; and there is the "present" which passes in an instant; and there is the "future" which hasn't arrived yet.

According to Omar Khayyám, :...the moving finger, having writ, moves on." But, there is probably no Creator that came down and divided history into two parts, calling one BC and the other AD.

Go figure.

On 12/9/2013 3:50 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

There is no time.  It is an illusion we experience.

BTW, your link got skewed up.  Here's the proper one:

Yours had an extra at the front for some reason.

On 12/09/2013 01:25 PM, wrote:

This is one of the wacko theories going on among the scientific circles. It's not likely this will replace the Big Bang Theory any time soon. <http://>

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