You have to keep in mind that none of us here are scientists, or even savants, but based on the tradition that most of us are following, the idea that a sound vibration set the universe in motion, it is not a stretch to imagine a single sound vibration or throb could easily fit on a pin head.

According to Wilber, " that story, sung by mystics and sages the world over, any crazier than the scientific materialism story, which is that the entire sequence is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying absolutely nothing? Listen very carefully: just which of those two stories actually sounds totally insane?"

Work cited:

'A Brief History of Everything'
By Ken Wilber
Shambhala, 2007
Page 42-3

On 12/9/2013 4:29 PM, wrote:
It doesn't sound very plausible does it?

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