This post is just blatant racism, in my opinion. We're not too big on racial profiling where I live. It's wrong to group people into classes based on their birth circumstances, just for the purpose of winning a debate with Judy.

That might be acceptable in Barry's neighborhood, but it doesn't fly with me.

Fewer than 10,000 generations separate everyone alive today from the small group of Africans who are our common ancestors. That's much more than the twenty or so generations mentioned in Genesis, but it's the blink of an eye in evolutionary terms.

On 12/11/2013 8:38 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

The land of enlightenment, where being gay is a crime:

Where rapists go free:

Where using a toilet if you're a woman is a risk to your life:

Where you can be killed in an "honor killing" for...wait for it...eloping:

Where child marriage is so common that the country fights the UN to keep it:

And where everything is peace, love, and Heaven On Earth:

Sure helps you to understand why Fairfield is such a mess, doesn't it?

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