Similarly, in Quiet: The Power of Introverts, Susan Cain cites How To Win 
Friends and Influence People and its popularity in the corporate world, with 
people coming to believe that one has to be an extrovert in order to succeed. 
I'd add that being extroverted has come to be equated with being cheerful and a 
cheerleader, upbeat all the time.

I like Ehrenreich's idea that we "close in on something" meaning that we might 
not arrive at Truth, but that we can still act on the best info that we have at 
the time.

On Saturday, December 14, 2013 5:08 AM, TurquoiseB <> wrote:
Finally! From now on, whenever I run into one of those insufferable idiots -- 
whether in business or politics or the New Age -- who believe in "the power of 
positive thinking" or "The Secret" or that "We create our reality," I won't 
have to interact with them as if they were sane. I'll just sit them down and 
show them this ten-minute video, and dare them to rebut it. 

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