ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, close enough (-:

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 7:27 AM, Share Long <sharelon...@yahoo.com> wrote:
turq, I love that phrase sea of mystery. It resonates with me. I promise I did 
not google. But I will as soon as I hit Send. I guess it's Bruce Cockburn...

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 6:33 AM, TurquoiseB <turquoi...@yahoo.com> wrote:
And so here's the test. How many can read through the list of quotes and decide 
whether they like them or not, identify with them or not, and feel positively 
or negatively about the person or persons who wrote them *without* Googling 
first? I think we all know that there are many here who are so concerned with 
their "self image" and how people perceive *them* that they won't be able to do 
it. This set of quotes is for the others, the ones who can think for 
themselves, without caring which so-called "authority" is being invoked.

"This is the greatest damn thing about the universe. That we can know so much, 
recognize so much, dissect, do everything, and we can't grasp 

"What are we here for if not to enjoy life eternal, solve what problems 
we can, give light, peace and joy to our fellow-man, and leave this dear 
fucked-up planet a little healthier than when we were born."

"No matter what you touch and you wish to know about, you end up in a sea of 
mystery. You see there's no beginning or end, you can go back as far as you 
want, forward as far as you want, but you never got to it, it's 
like the essence, it's that right, it remains. This is the greatest damn thing 
about the universe. That we can know so much, recognize so much, 
dissect, do everything, and we can't grasp it. And it's meant to be that way, 
do y'know. And there's where our reverence should come in. Before 
everything, the littlest thing as well as the greatest. The tiniest, the 
horseshit, as well as the angels, do y'know what I mean. It's all 
mystery. All impenetrable, as it were, right?"


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