---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <martyboi@...> wrote:

 >Nature did make them homosexuals - possibly based on their past choices. 
 As was my point my friend; also, this has nothing to do with being judgmental. 
Don't confuse 'making Judgments' about things and 'sitting in Judgment' of 
someone, they're apples and oranges....
 MMY taught that every state of consciousness has physiological correlates... 
so yes, "they" were born that way.
 Yes, based on Karma!

 Everyone has a huge, infinite storehouse of karma..therefore, judging others 
for their peccadilloes is kinda odd when you think about it.
 Sounds like a red herring, nobody is judging anybody's peccadilloes (like 
 ..because somewhere in everyone's storehouse of impressions is the complete 
range of possible human desires. So part of loving our brothers and sisters as 
ourselves is simply acknowledging that we're all in the same boat. So don't 
worry about gay people so much...you'll get your turn.
 Correct, we are all subject to temptations, and willfulness, etc., Satan (the 
force that works for good, though scheming ill-Faust) doesn't play favorites. 
It's just a school, we'll all learn the hard lessons of life in due time.


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