Fun! I was playing with that poem a week ago as "T'was the night before apocalypse." You don't like horror but this season "American Horror Story: Coven" is very fitting too especially with the Kathy Bates character. :-D

On 12/22/2013 06:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

/*with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore*/

*/T'was the night before Christmas, and all 'cross the forum
Today no one fell for it when Bots tried to gore 'em
Their Bot support stockings full of nothing but fat
Their heads full of fantasies of 'being all that'
For once all ignored them, and it all fell quite flat
As people avoided their endless tit for tat

Some posters snuggled up with their significant others
Some just meditated, if that was their druthers
A few posted fun things, as if free from strife
Some preferred to stay silent, and just enjoyed life
The taunting continued but the response was stillness
As if lives were so full there was no room for illness

The place was so quiet and so free of fray
It attracted a guy who'd long been away
Saint Spirit long ago gave up on this chatroom
Ashamed and embarrassed to be part of 'that room'
He'd put up with the flaming and the never-ending din
But in the long run even his patience grew thin
"What's the point of Spirit in a room full of noise
Better leave all these egos to play with their toys"

But today as he passed by the source of this clamor
He heard a sound that sounded almost like amour
It was silence and stillness, not the sounds of bickering
And the sound touched his heart, and set it to tickering
"The Bots must have left, and left room for Spirit"
He thought to himself, astonished to hear it

But what he found here astonished him more
The Bots were still there, but perceived as a bore
They still did their best to argue and natter
But people had realized what they said didn't matter
No one cared any more when they called for a battle
Perceiving it rightly as ego's death rattle

"What a relief!" the Saint said with a chuckle,
"They've finally learned to say 'What the fuckle'
How can Spirit exist in a near-constant din
Of egos and selves, all shouting 'I win?'"
He grooved on the silence, had some milk and a cookie
Then headed back home to to get him some nookie
But as he climbed to his sleigh, we all heard him chime
"Happy Spirituality to all, and it's 'bout fuckin' time."

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