Just for the record, it looks like I'm the only Duck Dynasty watcher on this list. But,has anyone else looked to see what other reality shows are on A&E? It is very revealing (no pun intended).

On 12/22/2013 8:25 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

Re"The Baby Boomers turned into The Man.":

Not me!

And why not me?

Did my parents instill into me the importance of free speech? Nope.

Did my teachers instill into me the importance of free speech? Nope.

Did my friends instill into me the importance of free speech? Nope.

Did politicians instill into me the importance of free speech? Nope.

I suspect it's just that I grew up in a society in which no one *ever* said to a fellow human being "You can't say that!". And on TV there were always lively debates in which each side passionately argued their case.

Some years back I was watching the box and Artur Axmann, the former head of the Hitler Youth, was talking. I was astonished he was still alive as I assumed he'd died during the Battle of Berlin. And if not, surely the Allies would have had him executed at Nuremberg (he was responsible for sending thousands of young Germans (boys) to their deaths in a futile, last-ditch defence of the capital). He was arguing that the wrong side won the War. "Just take a look at present-day America," he said! I thought it would make a fascinating TV debate to have Axmann and a Japanese debate with two opponents the motion: "The world would be a better place if the Axis powers had won the war". I suspect that kind of even-handedness would be incomprehensible to an overwhelming proportion of the population today.

Here's Axmann with his hero in the last days of the Reich:


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