...people used to refer to Judy as "Barry's Wind-Up Toy."

That's because she seems to be run by an ego so fragile and so easily
threatened that it feels it HAS to respond to anything said about who
she is that doesn't jibe with her fantasies of who she is.

She fell it every time I -- or anyone else, for that matter -- trolled
her back then, and she still does, all these years later. Think about
how *many* posts she's made in the last few weeks responding to
Richard's *obvious* attempts to...wait for it...GET HER TO RESPOND.

Richard is WINNING here, folks.

He doesn't really CARE what people think of him. Judy does. In spades.
That's what makes her weak, and so easily controlled.

It really GETS to her when someone has been allowed to say something
about her that doesn't jibe with her internal fantasies of how much
smarter she is than anyone else here, how much more integrity she has
than anyone else here, and how much more she "knows" (knows: a euphemism
for 'I Googled it') than anyone else here.

And yet, if she was "all that," would she be so concerned about every
little Richard post as to spend the amount of time, energy, and posts
she has spent in the last few weeks responding to what even *she* calls

Judy is trollbait, and Richard is now the master troll. He *owns* her
silly ass.

I renounce all previous titles, and henceforth declare Judy "Richard's
Wind-Up Toy."  :-)

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