Responsible individuals, organizations, and governments throughout the world 
continue to make great efforts to provide the best possible education for each 
new generation. But in spite of all sincerity and dedicated effort, two facts 
signal a basic lack of success universally experienced: first, suffering 
continues in society, and second, dissatisfaction among youth is a common 
phenomenon almost everywhere.
 Education everywhere deals with similar classes of knowledge -science, arts, 
humanities. As long as the same knowledge is taught, the same results must be 
expected. Innovation in teaching techniques alone will not resolve the 
universal problems of education.

 As Maharishi says, only a new seed will yield a new crop. Some new field of 
knowledge must be added to education to make it complete. MIU fulfills the need 
of education by providing a systematic study of intelligence and simultaneously 
promotes the growth of the knower along with the growth of knowledge.

 The study of intelligence integrated with the study of every discipline 
enriches and completes the range of every discipline, structures the home of 
all knowledge in the awareness of the student, and thus offers the solution to 
the pressing problems of modern education. 
 Pages 26-7, founding Catalog of Maharishi International University, 1974

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