As it is written: "Ecce enim regnum Dei *intra* vos est" (the Kingdom of
Heaven lies within you).

The Incarnation is the human form of God's celestial Word, the first
thought, the primeval expression of divine intelligence by which our Male
Father created the universe with his spiritual seed. In order to ensure
fecundity and to promote growth, our Father produced a Female equal out of
himself, and together they coupled, producing an abundant offspring in the
form of Human consciousness which evolved within the last 10,000 years into
Homo sapiens sapiens.

In the beginning, according to the Bible, God had a first thought which in
turn produced the universe. That first thought was very subtle, yet
contained within itself the power to create other thoughts in rapid
succession over a period of just days. God thought this was very good and
so he created many words and phrases to describe the Ultimate Reality. The
Father is all powerful yet, even He meditated on the seventh day! Go figure.

"The deep [primordial sea] was not, when I was born,
there were no springs to gush with water.
Before the hills, I came to birth;
before he made the earth, the countryside,
or the first grains of the world's dust.
When he fixed the heavens firm, I was there,
when he drew a ring on the surface of the

As the Word incarnate the Christos is the embodiment of Wisdom. We should
meditate on that Word, and reflect on its meaning. No Virgin Birth; no
Baptism; no Temptation; no Parables; no casting out of Demons or Devils; no
Second Coming; no Doomsday; no ritual Communion; no new Law or Covenant:
just love one another. It's just you and the Paraclete, the invisible
surrogate, the Holy Spirit, that rises within you as you sit with eyes

All you have to do is call to mind all that is "I Am" as taught by your own
Advocate, and remember a previously experienced state of Being. It's that
simple. Practiced in this way, you should aspire to live a hundred years.

Enlightenment, that is, total knowledge and experience of the Transcendent,
is the realization of the way things really are: the Purusha, which is the
Absolute, completely separate from activity - prakriti, which is the
self-creation, the gunas always in action; and the avatar, the bridge which
is the Way. In all, an unfolding of truth consciousness within each

The mystery is how, in realty, the many is One and the same. In fact, the
"I Am" which is the Being, is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. The
Rapture is here now! You experience it every time you close your eyes and
look within. We may disagree on the appearance of the avatar and the
timing, but we Galatians are apparently ALL agreed that the last word is "I
Am a Siddha" that is, "IT IS ACCOMPLISHED!"

The real story is that everyone meditates to a certain extent, and everyone
is transcending anyway; Mary was a full participant in the ministry of
Jesus; Samaritans are not all bad; God is the Heavenly Father, with his
equal companion Mother Nature, and their offspring are the Son of Man in
the form of the indwelling Logos. It's a family affair; as above, so below.

"It is a joy for me today to reflect on the need that has been felt
throughout the ages by the wise throughout the ages, that life is to be
lived in its full creative potential, that life is recommended to be the
representation of The Will of God. The Will of God is omnipresent,
omnipotent, omniscient reality."  - MMY

May God, his Goddess, and his Son/Daughter bless you all!

Works Cited:

'The Old Testament'
The Book of Proverbs
8:24-27 (NJB)

'The New Testament'
Appendix to the Old by John the Beloved
"The Gospel According to John"
19.30 (NJB)

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