noozguru, my guess is that what is meant is that 1/3 or Americans do not 
believe that humans evolved from apes. I'd further speculate that for many of 
that 1/3, the rejection of evolution is based almost entirely on their 
religious beliefs. Still, it is pretty mind boggling in this day and age!

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:58 PM, Bhairitu <> wrote:
I can really believe that 1/3 of the US population does not accept evolution.  
It's pretty obvious in their behavior and lack of intelligence. :-D 

What we really have to do to help humans survive is arrest the
      materialist elite who want to control the world and try them for
      tyranny.  And I guess we need to start running for office
      ourselves so that the same ol' shitheads don't' run (ruin) our

On 12/31/2013 09:49 AM, wrote:

>There are various possibilities why this is so:
>1.  Some earth-like planets are still evolving into higher forms of life.
>2.  Some have humanoids who are still developing a civilization that could 
>transmit and receive radio waves.
>3.  Some have humanoids who have evolved quickly to unity consciousness and 
>have attained god-like qualities, such as omniscience, flying through the air, 
>and appearing/disappearing anywhere and anytime in the universe.
>4.  Some had humanoids who had died out as a species compared to the other 
>forms of life in their planet.
>5. Some have humanoids with advanced technological capabilities who are intent 
>on conquering other worlds for power, money and gain.
>6.  Some have humanoids with advanced technological capabilities but are 
>leaving Earth to develop on its own as part of its policy of non-inteference.

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