So, is our current TM Girish Varma a direct offspring of Dr. R.P. Varma or even 
relation? How do they relate?    Is R.P Varma the painter of the Guru Dev 
Portraits we use for our TM Guru puja?  The painter of the TM Holy Tradition 
  Who is who, in the Varma clan?
  Is the woman who is now the new head over the TM Mother Divine renunciates 
within TM a Varma?   Just wondering?   Maharishi's mom was a Varma?
 -Buck fra Iowa

 Om, who was Dr. R.P. Varma in the scheme of things? Refresh my memory. 
 I got a little book written by Dr. R.P. Varma titled, Strange Facts about a 
Great Saint, A short biography of Shri Guru Dev , his Divinity Swami Brahmanand 
Saraswati Maharaj, Jagad Guru Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath, Badarikashram, 
Himalayas published 1980 pp136 
 Who is this Varma relative to Guru Dev and then Maharishi? Contemporary of 
Brahmananda Saraswati? In relation with these other place holder 
 Is RP Varma still living and does he have a place in now?  The Indian 
TM movement?
 Is he Bevan's, John's, Girish's or Tony's father?
 Just wondering, to set any record straight.

 RJW Das,  What was the time frame where this occurred with Jay Latham and the 
gurus? 1990's, or during the 00's?

 What a fabulous picture of words in this post.  Like a photo from the FFL 
family album. Like one of those family pictures in an album where names are 
written in with arrows pointing. Thanks to Jay for labeling the people, this is 
very helpful in bringing them to light. It's a very special picture of a time 
and people.
 Jai Gurus Devs,


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <punditster@...> wrote:

 Galaxy of Fire: Journey to an ancient spiritual world.



 "Why is he here? How did he get in? The men were all clean shaven and had 
their best suits on. Worst of all, there couldn't have been more than fifteen 
Westerners, all total; the very top of Maharishi's Western organization, all 
there by personal invitation from Maharishi himself, and all sitting in the 
front row in full view of the main entrance.

 So much for "blending in." Behind the Westerners sat hundreds of exuberant 
brahmin boys whom Maharishi was instructing in the Vedas. The few ladies I saw 
were the top administrators of Maharishi's "Thousand Headed Mother Divine 
Course." I sat down directly in front of Maharishi who was sitting about 
fifteen feet away on his dais. To his left, and above him on his own dais was 
the present Shankaracharya of Jyothirmath, the spiritual "pope" of North India, 
Sri Swami Vishnudevananda. 

 To his left, sitting on an even higher dais, was Guru Dev's successor 
(appointed by Guru Dev himself, in his will), Shri Swami Shantanand Saraswati 
Maharaj, retired Shankaracharya of Jyothirmath. These two sat under the gold 
and red umbrella of the Shankaracharya, on the throne-like chairs of their 
position. Surrounding them were about fifty of the most illustrious looking 
orange-clad swamis I'd ever seen. This was the top of India's spiritual 
tradition in the flesh. The stage area was surrounded by hundreds of lights 
(candles, oil and ghee lamps) which are traditionally ]it for Diwali. The scene 
was a blaze of spiritual light.

 As I was sitting down Marc looked up at me with an inquisitive, raised eyebrow 
and silently conveyed, "What in the hell are you doing here ... what's with the 
beard and the dhoti, are you completely out of your mind?" The other Westerners 
were also checking me out, having, of course, immediately recognized me. I 
didn't even want to know their thoughts. All I could think was "God, when you 
fulfill a desire you really go all out. Since this is probably the last time 
I'll see Maharishi for not being properly invited, I must thank you for the 
fabulous send-off."

 I drank in the whole scene. I'd stepped into the ageless, fiery world of the 
Swami Order of Lord Shankara. A Sanskrit puja was underway in which Maharishi 
was the deity. A couple of old pujaris were chanting, with one making offerings 
to Maharishi splashing Ganges water on him, adorning him with green leaves, 
offering incense, light from ghee lamps, etc. It reminded me of a silent film 
I'd seen of Maharishi's master, Guru Dev, in which he was worshiped as 
Shankaracharya in similar fashion.

 This was a great honor for Maharishi, and demonstrated in the most symbolic 
way possible that he was held in highest esteem by the present Shankaracharya 
Order; with both the reigning and retired Shankaracharyas of Jyothirmath in 
attendance. They obviously regarded Maharishi as the most enlightened disciple 
of their own guru, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Guru Dev). I had heard that 
Swami Vishnudevananda was supporting Maharishi and his movement in recruiting 
Indians for the mass group practice of the TM-Sidhi program.

 Maharishi always generates a feeling of eternality and transcendent silence 
around him that is the most profound I've ever felt, but I had experienced this 
most often in the context of large gatherings of Westerners in Europe. In the 
midst of his own people, including the most illustrious of the Swami Order 
itself, the feeling was deeper, more natural, because the land and its 
spiritual history supported it. This was the "Whole Thing, the Real Thing" as 
Guru Dev used to say. 

 If this were to be my last sight of the master, I had picked the right night. 
I felt God smiling on. For the entire evening, Maharishi remained in samadhi, 
eyes closed. That doesn't mean he was completely lost to the world, though, 
because at one point I felt as if he were "scanning" me checking me out with 
his inner vision. He's far too powerful to not have his attention felt by his 
teachers. I felt him look right through me, my organs, subtle body, mind, 
everything. While this was going on, I tried to send him the telepathic 
message: "Lord Shiva got me in here as a boon."

 If Maharishi was upset about my being here, it was his own fault-he was the 
one who taught me, in person, the highly effective techniques for locating 
transcendental consciousness and fulfilling desires through That. I was living 
proof of his own success this night. I'd gotten through his carefully selected, 
highly effective human shield and then been delivered at his feet as a VIP. 
That is the power of the Lord.

 The deep velvety-red umbrellas of Swami Vishnudevananda Saraswati and Swami 
Shantanandji Saraswati, embroidered with large gold Sanskrit letters, were 
obviously very old. To me, they represented the cosmic umbrella that one gets 
under for spiritual protection when initiated by an enlightened guru into the 
ancient tradition of the Sanatan Dharma. Each umbrella was imbued with the deep 
spirituality of ancient India?and great men of cosmic consciousness.

 I was mesmerized by the rare darshan (sight) of Swami Shantanand Saraswati. He 
must have been in his eighties at the time, but still had the wrinkle-free face 
of a baby. The glow on his face was more pure, more translucent, than I had 
ever seen on any human being before. He looked like the transcendent 
personified. He remained seated in deep meditation the entire evening. He never 
moved, never opened his eyes. He looked serene, breathless, in his all-time 
natural state of cosmic consciousness. From his whole body he radiated powerful 
waves of love. 

 He was a sensory feast to behold, seated in the highest position in the room 
on his "throne" chair that was placed directly underneath what looked like the 
same umbrella that Guru Dev had sat under as Shankaracharya. The man had a pure 
white halo that encircled his whole body."


 "Galaxy of Fire"
 by Jay Latham
 Sunstar, 2000
 p. 550-553.



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