The problem of reconciling a burgeoning population on earth (which makes the human race look like a parasite) is going to be the challenge of the 21st century. The establishment didn't count on everyone have a computer (or two or three or more) and being able to see how folks on the other side of the world live. The establishment is nothing more than the folks who first declared themselves "king of the hill". Their time and outlook is dated. They are obsolete and need to be deprecated. ;-)

One thing I've heard attributed to Agenda 21 is that they don't want any small guys. For me, an independent contractor and software developer I notice how more and more in publishing software they are demanding things that the small guy can't do or afford to do. Yet if you don't have the "small guy" you aren't going to get any innovation. Big companies usually don't do that and when they appear to it's because they bought some technology from a small firm.

The sodium vs potassium and calcium vs magnesium thing I'm very familiar with because it is the cornerstone of metabolic typing.

On 01/08/2014 10:17 AM, Jason wrote:

Bhairitu, most people don't understand that they are dealing
with two completely different systems. (economic and

They see things either, totally through the lens of
capitalism, or totally through the lens of Socialism. They
are too uni-dimensional.

It's dangerous to get strait-jacketed by any rigid ideology.

The partnership between De Beers and the south african govt
is one of the most successful and profitable partnerships.

In india, the cooperative entity called Amul, (Gujarat
Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation) is one of the most
successful producers of milk products in asia.

Nature itself uses the barbell strategy.  Everywhere in
nature you see two opposing forces balancing each other to
lend stability.  The stability you see is not static
stability, it's a dynamic stability.

Take for instance the human body itself.  Too much sodium
depresses potassium and vice versa.  Too much Calcium
depresses magnesium, and too much magnesium depresses

--- Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> Mikey won't like it.  You have to break up the old banks though.  They
> reek of gangsterism.  Need more than two political parties.  Watch out
> for union abuse.  The strategy seems to be a bit too institutionalized.
> What about the small guy?
> On 01/08/2014 03:58 AM, Jason wrote:
> >
> > <>
> > The barbell strategy should be simple.
> >
> > Give state-funding for political parties, but at the same
> > time ban bail-outs and subsidies for corporates.
> >
> > Give state-funding for trade unions, but at the same time
> > give companies freedom to hire and fire.
> >
> > Make tight and strict regulations for the banking sector,
> > but at the same time make interests rates appealing to the
> > public so that they put their money in banks.
> >
> > <> > > <>
> >
> >
> >
> >

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