Seraph, Yoga is essentially balance, ie life within
parameters.  Tolstoy gave the right advice.

The prostitution industry is dangerous because it is
one-sided and has nothing to do with egalitarian sexuality.
There is something called 'financial-economic differential'.
Wherever such a differential exists, there is always the
possibility of exploitation and abuse of rights.

Nature hates imbalances. Nature always tries to reach an
equilibrium.  Any society that is imbalanced will eventually
destroy itself.

The Yin-Yang balance is dharmic.  Strictly speaking only
egalitarian sexuality is dharmic. All other sexuality are
adharmic or against dharma.

An asymmetric dress-code is bad because it is one-sided and
has nothing to do with egalitarian sexuality. It promotes
prejudice and bias on a very subtle level.

I am a great believer in the uni-sex dress-code.

---  <s3raphita@...> wrote:
> Tolstoy could well be the greatest writer in world literature. Bearing
in mind I've only read him in English translation, his novels and
stories are perfection. But - and it's a very big but indeed - he
suffered from old-man syndrome. When he was a young nobleman the serfs
on his estates brought their young daughters to him to be enjoyed by
Tolstoy as a part of his privileges. When he went on to become a student
and young man-about-town he frequented prostitutes and had many
>  The trouble is that when he hit late middle age (and declining
potency) he had a change of "heart" and decided that sex was the root of
all evil and railed against the permissive society he lived in (and
Russian society in his day was very decadent indeed).
>  He then penned a lot of puritanical stories and Christian propaganda
taking aim at the pleasures of the flesh. I really hate that. Leave the
young to enjoy their pleasures and make their own mistakes say I.

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