On 1/14/2014 9:35 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> TM is posed to make all things better - how can that include sacrifice?
You just sacrifice your thoughts. Meditation is based on thinking and 
almost everyone thinks. All you have to do is let the thoughts naturally 
fall off and you are left all by your Self. When you sacrifice your 
habitual discursive thinking, you can relax and let your mind take a 
break, but remain alert. This passing back and forth between thinking 
and mental silence will help anyone maintain a mental equipoise - a 
middle way between activity and rest.

"In the 1970s, Transcendental Meditation ('TM') became a widespread 
cultural phenomenon. Now there’s a rising new wave of interest in TM, 
but for different reasons: because there’s so much scientific research 
verifying its effects..."

Read more:

'Can meditation save us?'
By Tom McKinley Ball
February 19, 2012

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