Japan's unintentional "retaliation" for H-shima and N-sagi?


HFCS was first introduced by Richard O. Marshall 
 and Earl R. Kooi 
http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Earl_R._Kooi&action=edit&redlink=1 in 
1957. They were, however, unsuccessful in making it viable for mass production, 
primarily because the glucose-isomerizing activity they discovered required 
arsenate, which was highly toxic to human.[21] 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_fructose_corn_syrup#cite_note-21 The glucose 
(xylose) isomerase that did not require arsenate ion for its catalytic activity 
and thus was industrially feasible was first discovered by Dr. Kei Yamanaka 
Kagawa University, Japan, in 1961.[22] 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_fructose_corn_syrup#cite_note-23 The 
industrial production process and creation was made by Dr. Yoshiyuki Takasaki 
 at the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology of Ministry of 
International Trade and Industry of Japan in 1965–1970. HFCS was rapidly 
introduced to many processed foods and soft drinks 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_drink in the U.S. from about 1975 to 1985.

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