---  doctordumbass@... <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I think absent any social codes, the difference in sexual promiscuity
between males and females comes down to consequences. Prior to birth
control, if a female had sex with a male, she could be literally
burdened with offspring. Not so for the male. Add in the greater
physical strength of the male, and you have all the seeds for the
difference in attitudes.
> "The Pill" greatly eliminated the risk factor of pregnancy, for women,
and certainly in the West, physical strength is no longer a guarantee of
greater economic power. So attitudes are changing too. Regarding the
60's, I saw a lot of sexual expression, but also a lot of conventional
sex roles between men and women, simply dressed up in strange clothing
and fashion.

---  <s3raphita@...> wrote:
> "Marriage is for women the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total
amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage
than in prostitution." - Bertrand Russell
>  The human race has emerged from prehistory and has developed its
culture for millennia but we're still confused about sex. I mean what
could be simpler? Boy meets girl. Then . . . well you know what.

>  Why is something as elementary and essential as the attraction
between the sexes still a battlefield and the source of constant
disputes (the "War of the Sexes")? I've sometimes wondered if the
problem is "equality" - the idea that men and women must be regarded as
equal in all respects. If we allow ourselves to generalise, men do
*seem* to be more promiscuous than women; women do *seem* to be looking
for a permanent partner. (Proof? Gay males have far more partners and
far more sex than straight men. Lesbians have far less sex than any
other group. Heterosexuals lie between those two figures.) This
difference was recognised in the Victorian period when a marriage
between a man and woman was assumed to be permanent (and divorces were
regarded as scandalous) but at the same time there was an army of
prostitutes to satisfy the novelty-seeking desires of the male
population. I don't have an answer to the discrepancy - I just think we
should look at the issue with wide-open eyes.

> Maybe it is just a result of women having being controlled by men for
centuries; men who had their supremacy recognised by law. Now that that
patriarchy is breaking down the differences between the sexual habits of
men and women *may* vanish completely. But I certainly don't rule out
the idea that such differences are rooted in biology.

>  There are some wonderful ironies here. Is putting women on a pedestal
(as happened in the 19th century with the "cult of the lady" an
acknowledgment of women's superiority (or at least equality) or is it a
cunning (probably subconscious) put down?

>  I've quoted Malcolm Muggeridge twice before on FFL. Here it is again:
"It's impossible to string together three consecutive sentences about
sex without making a complete hypocrite of yourself." This post must
make me guilty as charged. One thing is for sure: the sexual utopia
envisaged by the sixties revolutionaries has failed to materialise. On
the other hand the days when a woman could die from "sexual hysteria"
(it really did happen - see Ruskin's infatuation with Rose La Touche)
are long gone!

The difference in physical size in genders is called
dimorphism.  In gorrilas where male is almost twice the size
of the female, the male is highly polygamus.

In species where there is no dimorphism at all, ie male and
female look identical, the male is monogamus.

We humans are slightly dimorphic. So the human male has some
polygamic tendencies.


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