
OK, I get the "protective services" thang. If you're a cop, or an ex-cop
"working security" at some company or for some rich folks, you've got
that Dunkin' Donuts Jones goin' for you, and that's a hard monkey to
shake off your back.

But "health services?" It reminds me of the time I visited my father in
the hospital. He was there at the time to treat his emphysema, caused at
least partly by a lifetime of smoking. I sat at his bedside and watched
the meter of the oxygen machine he was hooked up to. It displayed the
oxygen content of his blood, and there was a marker on the scale to
indicate "Normal." Even though he was wearing a mask and breathing pure
oxygen, the red bar never made it even halfway to the Normal mark.

Later that day, I walked out of the hospital and in the parking lot saw
*all* of the doctors and nurses who worked there on the Pulmonary Care
Ward there, smoking cigarettes. They saw people like my father every
day, and yet here they were, smoking cigarettes. Go figure. So it's not
a big leap for me to imagine them seeing all the statistics they deal
with every day about the health risks associated with obesity, and yet
swelling up like a balloon themselves anyway.

Truck drivers? That's a no-brainer. You sit on your ass all day and eat
junk food as you drive, what can you expect? But interestingly, one of
the only people I've ever met in my life *as* fat as the truck drivers
I've seen in truck stops was Bevan Morris. He's one of the honchos of an
organization that promises "perfect health" as the inevitable result of
the techniques it sells. A few of the TM "Rajas" also rival the size of
truck drivers, too. So what's up with that?\

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