. . . However, if you like the weird side . . . Suppose the Clifford reading is 
right and DMT allows us to revert to cell-consciousness and in some sense 
"read" DNA? There's a wonderful take on life's origins called "directed 
panspermia" which holds that our planet was seeded with DNA by aliens many 
moons ago. If you can get your brain around that hypothesis, could it not be 
the case that our creators - the aliens - pre-programmed the evolution of life 
so that when a sufficiently intelligent species arose the brain's 
DMT-production (that was also pre-programmed) would trigger an internal video 
of our forefathers (foremothers?) with a message from them wishing us bon 
voyage! DMT trippers insist the elf-like creatures they encounter are 
desperately trying to communicate an important message to them. Perhaps we're 
still not bright enough to work out what they're trying to communicate?
 Sounds like a great plot line for a sci-fi novel by Olaf Stapledon.

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