"In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
program, predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderly and 
harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction -on the order of one 
percent- of a population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique (6), 
and in December 1974 we found that crime rate did decrease in four midwestern 
U.S. Cities in which one percent of the population was practicing the TM 
 -Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program

 Collected Papers,
 Volume I,

 Group meditation .  .increases the degree of Self-realization of each member 
of the group by the law of invisible vibratory exchange of group magnetism..  . 
 Group meditation is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirants as well 
as the veteran meditators. Meditating together increases the degree of 
Self-realization of each member of the group by the law of invisible vibratory 
exchange of group magnetism. —Paramahansa Yogananda  
 Prophetically writing, Alice A. Bailey with some very technical and useful 
spiritual books (talk about jargon!) on mysticism published in the 1920 and 
30's anticipates the rise of group spiritual affect coming now in the 21st 
Century. This writing was from before the height of Yoganada who had just 
arrived in the West at about that time and who then rose to cultural 
significance by mid-20th Century and then Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in sequence 
arriving in the West in the late 1950's. Both Yogananda and Maharishi taught 
spirituality also employing the spiritual importance of group practices of 
meditation. Maharishi then coming to declare a dawn of an age of enlightenment 
based on the scientific discovery that one percent of a general population 
meditating has a spiritual effect of well-being on the larger population. 
Remarkable. . 
 Alice A. Bailey writing: 
 “. . to be more practical and generally useful. It deals primarily with the 
training of the aspirant so that he can, in his turn, act as a conscious 
creator, and as he works serve the higher ends of Life which enfolds him. Thus 
he aids in the materializing of the plans of God (the Unified Field). The 
training of the aspirant, the indicating to him of possible trends and lines of 
evolution, and the definition of the underlying purpose is all that it is wise 
to impart at the present stage in which the average aspirant finds himself. . 
In the next century, when man's equipment is better developed and when a truer 
meaning of group activity is available, it will be possible to convey more 
information, but the time is not yet.”       
 We come a long ways, baby! 
 “In the next century, when man's equipment is better developed and when a 
truer meaning of group activity is available, it will be possible to convey 
more information, but the time is not yet.” -Alice A. Bailey 

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