Shamelessly hijacking Richard's thread and Subject line, I post a link
for those few here who might have been intrigued by recent discussions
of Rama - Fred Lenz. In his study, we meditated to music. Go figure.
Some would consider that heresy; I considered it fun, and often

In the early days, we meditated mainly to other people's electronica --
Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre, and that lot. When he'd
gathered enough bucks and talent (the three members of Zazen,
professional musicians all), he started making his own music. Some of it
was experimental, to say the least, but other albums were designed *to*
be meditated to. I pass it along without much comment, for those with
open minds or for the ankle-biters. I still think that Samurai was
pretty smokin', and that Mystery School contains some of the most
conscious-bending music I've ever experienced. But that may just been
because I was there, in the audiences, listening to this stuff played
and recorded live, all amped up with Rama's shakti or charisma or
whatever the fuck it was.

I'll actually be listening to a few of these myself today, for the first
time in years, just as a kind of Castanedan recollection. I wonder what
they'll sound like to me, all these years on?

Will they still have the phwam! they once had for me, able to shift my
state of attention radically within the space of a few bars? I honestly
don't know, and am looking forward to finding out...

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