Absolutely correct. He was insistent that enlightenment is a real state of 
consciousness, and that he was in this state for 10-plus years. What he says he 
came to realize is that the state itself is delusional--the experience of being 
one with God, the identification with Self rather than self, and so on, 
everything Maharishi describes, is a trick, a seduction engineered by dark 
forces that do not have the welfare of human beings at heart. It's all very 
real--including the special powers, the mastery of nature--but it leads away 
from God.

 And that, of course, is why he spent 25 years attempting--apparently 
successfully--to break the unholy spell and pull himself out of that state back 
into ordinary consciousness.

 He made these points over and over in his posts. How anyone could read those 
posts and come away with the notion that he was saying he was deluded to think 
he was enlightened is just beyond me. People understand what they want to 
understand, I guess.

 Whether one finds Robin's analysis convincing or not, it's what he believed on 
the basis of extraordinarily painful experience, and should not be 
misrepresented or denigrated.

 << Judy, Robin himself called his alleged enlightenment a delusion. So I think 
it's inaccurate to use the phrase "enlightened days."

 Here is the important point Share: Robin believes "true enlightenment" to be a 
delusion, an illusion. It is not that he is saying he wasn't enlightened in the 
sense that MMY or others who understand the kind of enlightenment the East 
embraces, it is that that state is a delusional state. Here is the crux: it is 
not that he believes himself to have been delusional to think he was 
enlightened, he would still maintain that he was enlightened, it is just that 
enlightenment is not something he feels is a positive state to be in. >>

 On Friday, February 7, 2014 8:04 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   Oh, and of course you were never around Robin during his enlightened days 

 << What's "NPS," and how were you in a position to think Robin had it, 
whatever it is?
 << As for Robin, yes I found him extraordinary in many ways. Whether he had 
classic NPS, I couldn't say, but it sure seemed that way to me much of the 
time.  But then again, it doesn't register with me much if a person is said to 
be enlightened or not. >> >>




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