I wonder why no one in the press questions the purpose of keeping these people 
in Iowa? The TMO don't seem very forthcoming in the article, are they 
embarrassed at importing people to pray for them? We know the "raja's" have 
yagya's performed for them on a daily basis to neutralise any negative 
planetary influences, as does the whole country - if they pay enough. The UK 
coughs up a lot for personal help from the gods too, I know people with a 
monthly direct debit to support this. No mention is made of when it will be 
decided to have been a failure, but then I don't remember there being any 
parameters for success set out other than Marshy's: Give me a billion dollars 
and I'll save the world...

 And quite why this has to be tax free considering the amount they charge TMers 
for the privilege of getting the gods to sway events in their favour is also 
beyond me. Maybe if the TMO cared about their welfare they would pay them to go 
to university and do something useful with their lives instead of sitting on 
their backsides all day singing songs so the wealthy can feel like they've got 
some of the age of enlightenment they were promised so long ago.

 But wait, maybe they are here as part of the TMOs commitment to science, think 
of what the knowledge of the existence of vedic gods would do to our 
understanding of the universe if the thorough and credible scientists at MUM 
had proof that chanting old poems could actually change the flow of world 

 That must be it, I even had an admission from Fred Travis when he popped up on 
TM-Free agreeing with me that if a supposedly science based outfit like the TMO 
were going to claim veracity for all "products" they charge money for, they 
should at least do some research to make sure it actually works. Perhaps he 
took that to heart and is hard at work analysing world trends and will soon 
produce a stunning paper along the lines of "Praying to Soma: an 
interdisciplinary study of how ancient gods affect global consciousness and the 
10 years of brutal war in the middle east since the yagya programme started".

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote:

 that's not what it says you head in the sand ostritch
 On Thu, 2/13/14, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... <dhamiltony2k5@... 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on missing pandits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 12:41 PM
 Yep, Damned Muck-Rakers. Did not fact check their
 sources. That is the problem with sensational journalism
 and the
 LEnglish5 writes:
 Oprah Winfrey did a TV show about Fairfield, and
 part of that show as about the Vedic Pandits. The living and
 working conditions could be seen in the TV
 No news
 article has bothered to do any fact checking on this issue.
 Certainly, no news article has bothered to link to the Oprah
 TV footage.

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