Alchohol, Tobacco, Plastic, Paper companies campaigned and 
got Cannabis weed banned

Armchair with a view
Rite of passage

What connects marijuana, diamonds and baby hair?

For most of human history, the annual, dioecious 
(non-hermaphrodite) flowering herb of the genus Cannabis was 
grown and consumed quite liberally and had none of the 
stigma that is attached to it in today's world. In fact, 
even in the US, where the debate about the legalisation of 
marijuana rages on in multiple states, the plant has had 
quite a rich history of legal use till very recently. The 
founding fathers of America from George Washington to Thomas 
Jefferson were all known to have farmed (and used) the 
plant. In fact, smoking was usually the least productive of 
its uses. The taller, more fibrous variety of this family of 
plants is known for its Hemp fibre, traditionally used to 
make everything from ropes, cloth and even paper.

The hemp plant is one of mankind's earliest domesticated 
plants. It dates back almost 12,000 years with everything 
from paper to pottery being made from hemp in ancient China. 
Hemp seed and leaves are used as food and there is even hemp 
milk that serves as an alternative to that vile liquid that 
tastes like peeled off paint -- Soy milk.

And the plant itself is ridiculously easy to grow and farm, 
a fact that became a bit of a problem for certain industrial 
interests in the early part of this century. William 
Randolph Hearst, the newspaper magnate who inspired the 
Orson Welles classic movie Citizen Kane, needed a way to 
control the supply of paper as part of his monopolistic 
strategy to kill his competitors. It is, as you will 
imagine, slightly hard to make a competing newspaper if you 
did not have paper to print.

The problem, however, was the Cannabis plant. Paper from 
hemp was quite easy to make and presented a serious 
challenge to the timber industry where Hearst had a lot of 
investments in. So thus began the first organised "free 
market" smear campaign against the plant. Randolph Hearst's 
newspapers began to scare the general public about the 
dangers of "Marijuana", a suitably scary sounding foreign 
term that had never been used in the US to describe the 
plant before.

And while Hearst had paper in mind, plastic manufacturing 
companies joined the "Let's get hemp banned" party to ensure 
that their petrochemical-based plastics had a leg up over 
bio-degradable hemp-made plastics. The alcohol and tobacco 
industries also contribute astronomical sums to fund the 
"Weed is a dangerous narcotic drug" canard with absolutely 
zero sense of irony and the pharma industry would prefer 
that you buy expensive pain killer drugs instead of chewing 
on some bhang.

At this point, you might be thinking -- Wait, this is too 
malcolmgladwellesquely glib and sounds more like a socialist 
conspiracy theory, but I'll leave it for you to research 
this subject as a homework assignment after reading this 

And that brings us to diamonds. These glitteringly beautiful 
arrangements of the fourth most abundant element in the 
universe were historically rare for one reason. They were 
typically fished out of river beds in India and Brazil. But 
once mankind figured out a way to bore deep holes into the 
earth, we ended up finding substantially massive sources of 
this gemstone in places like South Africa, which became a 
bit of a problem for the British financiers of these mines. 
Abundance is typically a problem for business because it 
drives prices down, so the response to this is to create a 
monopoly that controls all known mines so that an artificial 
scarcity can be created for diamonds. Combine this with the 
stunningly effective advertising slogan from 1947, "A 
Diamond is Forever", we now have a product whose raw 
materials are tightly controlled, and the answer to the 
question "Can I sell my diamond for the price I bought it?" 
is typically "Hard luck".

Our current image of the Cannabis plant is a product of a 
century of misinformation and the precious rarity of 
diamonds is another myth sustained by the nexus of 
advertising and earth digging interests ...

To quote Daniel Patrick Moynihan, "you are entitled to your 
own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts." If 
you think you are, you might want to stop smoking some of 
that cannabis. article5642999.ece

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