Let's have a closer look at this post of Barry's from Friday; I didn't feel 
like bothering to fisk it at the time:: 

 See what I mean about challenging her projected image driving her crazy?  :-)


 Awfully mild version of "crazy," I'd say. More like annoyed, if even that. 
Barry's pissed that I simply dismissed the post he had hoped would drive me 
What you should expect for the rest of the day -- if not week or month -- is an 
avalanche of posts about what a liar Barry is. 

So what else is new? Barry's a liar. For example:
This from the woman who *still* claims that Robin Carlsen wasn't lying about 
striking his students, even after he admitted it on this forum, even after her 
only supporter here (Ann) said that it probably happened at least once *at a 
seminar* (refuting the dodge she used to claim he wasn't lying even after he 
admitted it).

 No refutation there, and Robin never admitted to lying in any case, because he 
hadn't. With regard to the non-seminar incidents, he said, accurately, that he 
hadn't denied the truth, he'd denied what he'd been accused of--which was that 
he'd struck students during seminars. The seminar incident Ann described, he 
genuinely didn't remember the way she told it. What he recalled was that 
someone else onstage with him had struck the guy. However, as I noted, he 
didn't contest Ann's version. He said that if she remembered him doing it, he 
accepted that that's what happened.

 Can you imagine Barry responding to a correction in this manner?

It's all a matter of "knowing" things, you see. Judy just "knows" who is lying 
and who isn't. The same way she claims to "know" what everyone here was 
'really' thinking when they posted something she doesn't like.

 Um, sometimes, yes. Of course, Barry himself NEVER does that. <snicker>

 So whenever Robin said something about himself or about anyone else, he was 
always telling the truth.

 Certainly nobody ever found him not to be telling the truth, except in that 
one case Ann recounted, which he genuinely didn't remember as she told it. As 
Xeno has repeatedly pointed out, memory can be fallible, including Barry's. The 
difference is that Robin CARED about being accurate, whereas Barry (as Xeno has 
also noted) does not. See below for Xeno's comments.

 Unless he was being "ironic," of course,

 Perhaps Barry's most laughable assertion is that irony is equivalent to lying. 
Which must mean that Barry does a lot of lying in his own ironic posts. 

  or...uh...lying, as he was about never striking any of his students, using 
phrases like "I would never do that." 

 "I would never do that DURING A SEMINAR," Barry carefully "forgets" to add. 
That's what Robin believed when he said it. He was, it appears, mistaken, given 
the one incident Ann remembers. Lying is when you say something you DON'T 
believe to be true, as Barry does all the time.

But whenever Barry says something, Judy "knows" that I'm lying.

 No, only when you lie.

 The thing Judy is ignoring in all of her tirades -- and will continue to 
ignore, I'm fairly sure -- is that NO ONE is rushing to her defense.

 And I should pay attention to that why, exactly? Should I be saying things I 
don't believe to be true in order to inspire folks to defend me?

  So far, not even Ann, who probably has her tongue stuck up Judy's butt and 
has been unable to post yet today. :-)

 Ann is perhaps the most independent poster on FFL (as was demonstrated by her 
report of the striking incident during one of Robin's seminars, contradicting 
the dude she has, according to Barry, been brainwashed by).

 NO ONE believes her "I don't lie" horseshit. NO ONE.

 Sez Barry, who has read the minds of every poster here.

 Obviously, not even her, since she refuses to even *address* getting caught in 
one of these lies, except to try to turn it into a "challenge" that she knows I 
will never respond to.


 It's of considerable interest that Barry is unwilling to state for the record 
three FACTS that he knows to be true.

 What a loon. And a thoroughly dishonest loon, to boot...


 Coming from Barry, the inadvertent irony is quite remarkable. What's also 
remarkable is that he makes this claim even though he has never managed to 
catch me in a lie, hard as he's tried. What I said about his therapist "friend" 
was the closest I've ever come, and in that case it was a decision not to fix 
an inadvertent error before posting it. You might say that was a decision to 
push Barry's buttons for a change, and boy, has it paid off.  He'll be 
referring to it forever as "proof" that I'm a liar. It's all he's got, after 
all, to balance the hundreds of lies he's told about me.

 BTW, I still think Barry WAS in therapy for his NPD with this dude. Strictly 
speaking, then, to say the dude was Barry's therapist wasn't a lie, because 
it's what I believe to be true. To be scrupulously honest, I should have 
mentioned Barry's claim that the therapist was just his "friend." But as noted, 
I decided to let it pass for the express purpose of freaking Barry out.

 (big snip)

 Anyone who has been following my posts knows that the psychiatrist whom I 
cited as my mentor about Narcissistic Personality Disorder was my *friend*, not 
my "therapist." Anyone who has paid attention for some time also knows that our 
"sessions" were conducted over coffee at Downtown Subscription, our mutually 
favorite coffee shop in Santa Fe, not in a therapist's office.

 I'll make a comment here on this from Barry's earlier post. Seems as if Barry 
may be protesting a little too much. What we know is not THAT the therapist was 
just Barry's friend, but that this is what Barry claims. We have no way of 
knowing whether he's telling the truth, and there is certainly all KINDS of 
motivation for him not to (and we know all too well his penchant for lying). 
Similarly with regard to the "coffee shop" meetings. But that, of course, could 
well be true even if Barry was in therapy with the guy. A smart therapist might 
figure that Barry was so humiliated about having to seek help that he'd be more 
likely to clam up or resist at a formal office session, and that more progress 
would be made if he let Barry pretend to himself that the therapy was just a 
friendly conversation.

 (more snip)

 Xeno wrote:

 Barry does not seem to aspire to the kind of precision you enjoy. He seems 
mostly to rely on his writing skills and memory when posting on FFL. And we all 
know human memory is exceptionally pliable. He posts things he is interested 
in, occasionally replies to people, and there is a certain category of his 
posting that is designed to keep the rats running on their treadmill, a 
Pavlovian thing. So checking on Barry's claims is largely a waste of time as he 
is proffering opinions, not facts, and is stoking the campfire so he can bask 
in the heat generated. He has to deal with certain factual material if he is 
writing about science for clients. If there other places in his life for such 
concepts as facts and truth, it probably is not here on FFL. This place is for 
the insane; perhaps there are a few amateur sociologists and researchers 
hanging in here collecting data, but who might they be?


 (Unfortunately Xeno ignores all the falsehoods Barry posts as if they were 
established fact. Barry most certainly does not just post his opinions, and 
Xeno knows it.)






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