I was talking about the song

And as long as you are quoting the Yoga Sutras:

The “pain” Patanjali talks about in 2:16, “Pain that has not yet come is 
avoidable.” is clarified in the sutra that immediately follows it, 2:17: “The 
cause of that avoidable pain is the union of the Seer (Purusha) and seen 
(Prakriti).” From this we understand how our world is experienced and how we 
always identify ourselves with what is seen.

Just as those who have a unbending need to always see TM as the answer to 
everything in life, when they look upon the seen, they will experience an 
illusion, an attachment of "TM is the answer!" Thus continuing to bind 
themselves to illusion, therefore pain, and continue further experiences upon 
the wheel of karma. 

Now how about that? I used the yoga sutras to smash all the TB'ers illusions!!

 No, I think it was the Indian Patanjali who wrote the Yoga
 "What is to be avoided is suffering that has not yet
 come." - Yoga Sutra 

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