---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 As Barry knows, there is no "Robin cult" for Robin to be a leader of, nor for 
there to be any members of. That's a fairytale Barry dreamed up because he has 
no legitimate criticisms. 

 And obviously, certain people are interested in what I have to say (including 
Barry, despite his repeated lies that he never reads my posts), whether they 
agree or disagree, whether they absorb what I've said or not. But of course it 
would never occur to me to assume that everyone reads my posts, nor does it 
bother me if they don't.

 Still more obviously, if I tell someone to go back and read what I wrote 
because they've misconstrued what I've said, it's because they've read a post 
of mine and been interested enough to respond to it.

 Barry's at a point now where he's so befuddled he is unable to come up with 
lies that make sense even on their own terms.

 BTW, emptybill was addressing Ann, not me. I don't imagine she cares much 
whether he cares what she says. She likes to express herself, as do I, as do 
most here, including Barry. And both of us produce original content, including 
in our comments on what others have said. We just aren't obsessed with it; we 
feel no need to show off by producing it. So emptybill's and Barry's 
preoccupation with it, as if it were some kind of fault not to produce it, 
affects us not at all. It's one of Barry's most useless criticisms if his aim 
is to make us feel inadequate.

 Barry is simply a bullying asshole who thinks he is above and beyond the 
foibles of mere mortals. He is a warmonger and an angry old fart. Empty is 
empty except for the evident parchment-thin emotion that he sometimes exhibits 
when angry - which seems to be most of the time. He's the guy you pass in the 
street muttering, "young whippersnappers" and looking really crotchety as he 
shuffles along. So do I care what either of these bums thinks? Not yesterday 
and not today, so far.

 I don't know why you believe I am interested in what you say. You produce 
little original content here. Mostly you are Judy-lite, her snide 
second-in-disdain for those Judy needs to attack . You're wasting my time. 

 As with their mutual cult leader Robin, I honestly think that the baseline 
issue here is narcissism. None of them can even *conceive* of people not being 
interested in the things they say, because the stuff going on in their heads is 
so fascinating to *them*. Thus they imagine that people are reading every word 
of their posts with the same diligence they read every word of the posts of the 
people they stalk, and if someone fails to "pay proper attention" to them, they 
rely on the "Go back and read what I wrote" epithet, AS IF THERE WAS ANY NEED 
TO. Who fucking CARES what any of them think?




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