Om no don't get me wrong; just the sociopathic turn-coat enemies combatant 
haters be the terrorists.  And you know we learned recently here about the 
malevolent-narcissist that the sociopathic ones are not really reformable.  
That is quite pitiable.  I am quite sympathetic towards the quitters though. 
Everyone who has gotten out of regular practice of transcending for whatever 
reasons are certainly reformable if they would just take the quiet time to Be 
so. It only will take some initiative and self-discipline to do so. There are 
meditating programs to help fallen away meditators come back to the 
transcendental meditative experience again. If for no other reason than the 
science on meditation is accruing all the time and it only gets all the more 
compelling. Make haste. Like the prodigal child come home, you will not be 
refused. The Unified Field is ultimately compassionate that way. 
 The Unified Field is great.
 The Unified Field is good,
 and we thank It 
 for our food.
 Om, -Buck


mjackson74 writes:
 So Buck, you equate all of us who stopped doing TM as terrorists now? Or have 
I misunderstood your post here?
 Yep, Om those cranky negative people. That's a good descriptive article link 
you post below here of culture and how we all get along or don't including the 
sociopath. I could empathize with our president drawing up drone lists of 
turn-coats as enemies combatant out there in the world actively planning 
terrorism to subvert our larger constitutional way of life. Like some turn-coat 
in a form of even a MJ here trying his level best to subvert some things so 
good because he does not like some things. It is a tough nut to crack.
 -Buck in the Dome

 Bhairitu wrote:

 > The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or 
 > groups. 
 > RJW writes:  There's a difference? Go figure. 
 > Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
 The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't 
 seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they 
 would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL? 
 Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.
 "Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly unpleasant 
 to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the 
 beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more 
 they enjoy corrupting it." . O 

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