I note to U that no corporation ever pays any tax it the tax bill they may pay 
is passed on the their customers in higher prices. This method distorts the 
level playing board. I also now those who invest in successful companies & 
receive dividends are taxed 2 time once corporaprately & again as an 
individual. Thus 2 time enough already! 
My advice may be to U would be to work , SAVE& then Invest especially in stocks 
in a self directed Roth IRA! & enjoy the fruits of your labors! 

In a message dated 02/26/14 09:18:06 Eastern Standard Time, 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com writes:

There is actually a much simpler solution, although it will never happen -- The 
investor class, those who, own most of the wealth in the USA, do not work, and 
are taxed at the lowest rate possible, despite earning the largest incomes, 
only pay 15% on their capital gains (income). If the rate were raised to just 
20% on their profits, we would no longer have deficit spending, and the 1% of 
the 1% would never feel it. Unfortunately this country is founded on the 
principle that the richer you are, the less accountable, and responsible, to 
society, you need to be. Too bad - an easy fix. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


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