On 2/26/2014 8:22 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
If it all belongs to God, and he's all-powerful, I think we have to state for the record that he's a pretty shitty landlord:
God, who by definition is all-powerful, owns the land but humans are supposed to be the managers of the land. It's like working like a serf on a fruit farm as a migrant worker managing a garden - you get to live on the land and eat it's produce, but ownership of the land belongs to the owner, the Creator.

There have been humans managing the land of Canaan since before recorded history, and they have not done a good job. The British mandate drawing lines in the sand for national borders based on religion was probably not a good idea in the first place. Most of the countries we're talking about don't even have a history of state-hood and never existed as nations or countries before the end of WW I - that's the real problem - it's all a matter of management.

"Modern archaeologists dispute parts of the Biblical tradition, the latest thinking being that the Israelites emerged from a dramatic social transformation that took place in the people of the central hill country of Canaan around 1200 BCE, with no signs of violent invasion or even of peaceful infiltration of a clearly defined ethnic group from elsewhere."


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