Secret documents reveal - 'Yahoo webcam images from millions of users
intercepted by GCHQ'

What's Up With That?

* Optic Nerve program collected Yahoo webcam images in bulk
* 1.8m users targeted by UK agency in six-month period alone
* Yahoo: 'A whole new level of violation of our users' privacy'
* Material included large quantity of sexually explicit images<>

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Pundit Sir <> wrote:

> In 2013, for the first time in the 55-year-history of the Billboard Hot
> 100, not one black artist lodged a number-one single. Go figure.
> "Maybe someone will invent a whole new word for it, and it will evolve to
> the point that it sounds so different from our traditional understanding of
> hip-hop that it will become a genre unto itself, with its own hard-line
> purists trying to protect its borders. By that point, maybe "hip-hop" will
> be left to the stodgy old white guys."

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