Hyvä sidha,

 Tervetuloa nauttimaan kanssamme yhteisistä ohjelmista, 
 virkistävästä maailmanrauhan resitaatiosta ja mukavasta yhdessäolosta

 Helsingin TM-keskuksella lauantaina 1.3. 
 Aloitamme yhteisellä sidhiohjelmalla klo 8:30 Suomen aikaa.

 Ambassador Reception / Invincible Europe Day
 Live Rudrabhishek Broadcast from MERU
 Global Peace Initiative Presentation and Workshop
 Saturday, 1st March

 Dear Governors, Sidhas and Meditators,
 It is our great joy to announce our next Ambassador Reception with special 
benefit of Rudrabhishek on Saturday, 1 March. This is a beautiful opportunity 
to enjoy the deep experience of Rudrabhishek along with knowledge and 
inspiration in the afternoon.
 This month our afternoon meeting will be an inspiring 2-hour workshop on the 
Global Peace Initiative PowerPoint presentation.
 The purpose of this workshop is to become more familiar with the topic of the 
Maharishi Vedic Pandits and feel comfortable speaking about this most valuable 
program for creating invincibility for the nation and peace for the world. 
Together we will go through the presentation slide by slide and discuss the 
most crucial points. After the workshop you will be able to give this 
presentation at various Centre events, Residence Courses, or to any meditating 
group or friend. Or you may just want to gain this knowledge for your own 
 Any questions you have during the workshop about the Global Peace Initiative 
presentation can be emailed to a...@maharishi.net mailto:a...@maharishi.net and 
we will try to answer all questions if time allows.
 You can watch a short description of the workshop at: 
 On this day many Centres throughout Europe will be enjoying Invincible Europe 
Day with group Super Radiance in the morning and afternoon. We hope that 
Centres in every country will hold group Super Radiance on this day, to bring 
increased coherence and success in their area.

 SCHEDULE (Suomen aikaa)
 9:30 Morning superradiance time (lift off)
 11.00-13.30 Rudrabhishek performed in Maharishi's Brahmasthan, MERU
 13.30-15.00 Lunch (group program for those in much further time zones)
 15.00-17.00 Afternoon meeting (please note the meeting starts at 15.00, 1/2 
hour earlier than usual)
 Dr Mona Kägi-Causemann, Mother of the Domain of the Raja of Switzerland and 
Director of the Ambassador Resource Office – MERU, Holland, and Dr Susie Swan, 
Mother of the Ministry of Communication, will guide you through the 
presentation and answer any of your questions.
 18:00 Afternoon superradiance time (lift off)
 The Rudrabhishek and afternoon session will be aired live over the internet at 
www.mgcwp.org/bstreception http://www.mgcwp.org/bstreception.
 If you are not able to attend this event at your local Centre, you can enjoy 
it at the above website, where it will be streamed live at the times posted. It 
will also be archived at this site for future viewing.
 Please feel free to send this link to anyone who may be interested.


 With Best Wishes,
 Jai Guru Dev

 Ambassador Resource Office 
 Global Monthly Donor Campaign for Maharishi Vedic Pandits
 MERU Holland
 www.vedicpandits.org http://www.vedicpandits.org
 a...@maharishi.net mailto:a...@maharishi.net

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