Re transcending is a non-event and definitely not interesting.: Not 
interesting? Freud, Jung, Sartre and assorted behaviourists claimed that an 
experience of pure consciousness (awareness without an object) was impossible. 
So if pure awareness *is* a possible experience it blows such theories out of 
the water and is very suggestive indeed. It implies that we have a 
"Transcendental Ego" before - and after - we learn our role-play games. 
 I was amused back in the day when a friend of mine, a young woman, in my early 
days in the movement said to me one time that asking someone if they had ever 
had a clear experience of transcending was rather like asking someone if they 
had lost their virginity! There's definitely a hierarchy in place here: an "I'm 
more spiritual than you" one-upmanship role play going on!

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