Emily, the lecture was free.

On Monday, March 10, 2014 1:35 PM, "emilymae...@yahoo.com" 
<emilymae...@yahoo.com> wrote:
These are the key points to me: 
"But all that said nothing he said really could not have been delivered in a 
public lecture and it would have been insightful about Maharishi to anyone 
listening and informative at any level."
"Tragic yes, he is a (the) guy who has ridden the whole movement down...."

The elitist and exclusionary nature of this "spiritual" organization is just 
odd to me, an outsider.  What on earth would have happened if non-badge people 
attended?  So what?  Why not just sell tickets to everyone and when the lecture 
is sold out, so be it.  They want money, right?

Share, you act like you are in some way special; I guess you've probably paid 
for the right to be special.  You might lose this specialness if you move.    

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Well, Buck, I was sitting by the entry door and there was only one guy checking 
badges as people entered and as the lecture began, late arrivals were swarming 
in. I'm not surprised that Bevan wanted a second badge check. It kind of 
reminded me of the old sidhi meetings when we checked each other's badges. Nice 
touch of nostalgia.

On Monday, March 10, 2014 12:53 PM, "dhamiltony2k5@..." <dhamiltony2k5@...> 

He gave a really good presentation
showing his own and MMY's handwritten 1979 notes.  It had a real nice
flow. By going over his own written notes and then the hand-written
and colorful notes of Maharishi's hand he got to do it twice, very
teacherly.  It was really a nice lecture.  It would have been nice to
have had that lecture a while ago.  A nice thing is that he gave it
at all now.  If and when he dies the material like that will go with
him and be lost to time.  But all that said nothing he said really
could not have been delivered in a public lecture and it would have
been insightful about Maharishi to anyone listening and informative
at any level.    Of course if he was to meet any larger group
gathered it would have had to be in the Sondheim Auditorium, in town.
The badge check though after everyone who had come in already had
been checked by security as they entered in was certainly over the
top putting you back in to kindergarten. 

He obviously did not get Raja
Hagelin's recent policy memo on the Fairfield, Vedic City, Jefferson
County meditating community or he was set anyway to do it his way.
Tragic yes, he is a (the) guy who has ridden the whole movement down
from times of millions of meditators and tens of thousands teachers
and some large number of a hundred thousand or more advanced
practitioners, down to some few tens of hundreds active duty.  And he
wonders why meditators have turned so badly and we just don't see. 

It is do or die time now for a
teaching and the guys in the middle of it are working hard on
themselves to have it live.  In this moment he was quite contained
and composed jockeying the moment.  It was really well done.
Different people evidently bring different elements to it in
committee at that level now.  Take a look at Shakespeare' s Roman
General, Coriolanus and that drama to see a swirl of elements
governing TM put together now after Maharishi. 

Netflix has for download now a
modern production as a movie.  It is really good criticism for the
elements around TM now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjRiylgwgIE

If he'd just speak nicely to the
'damned democracy'. ..,

sharelong60 writes:

Judy, I am content that Buck speak for himself.

So tell us what you believe Buck meant by his comment.

Judy, I'm sure Buck has many insights and opinions that I don't have. And I 
have read his posts here so I have a pretty good idea of what he meant by his 
comment. Based on my own experience, I have different insights and opinions.

Think maybe it would be a good idea to ask Buck what he meant by "kind
of a tragic figure" before announcing that you don't agree? Is it conceivable 
that he might have an insight that you've missed?

I don't agree with Buck on that level either, Ann. I found Bevan to be even 
more natural and articulate and considerate than he was a few months ago at 
another knowledge meeting. Again, imho, he is very integrated and has a 
generosity of spirit that to me does not indicate a tragic figure at all. 

Buck, given that Bevan went into some detail about the mechanics of the TMSP, I 
thought it good that only sidhas were in the meeting and badges were
checked. Good because if meditators do become sidhas, they can then more easily 
do the practice with simplicity.

And the fact that it was Standing Room Only on such a beautiful Sunday 
afternoon, indicates to me that such meetings with Bevan are very much enjoyed 
by a lot of people. No tragedy in that imho!

Buck said Bevan was a "tragic figure". This speaks to something beyond a 
meeting with him, it speaks to something deeper and more personal, Share.

Well, he is kind of a tragic figure
but it was a nice meeting.  Wish you could have been there.  I think
you would have felt better about all the things that upset you.  And
there was really nothing said that could not have included regular
meditators in the meeting. The specialness of the 'badge checking'
and all that was over the top specialness.  But otherwise it was a
nice meeting that had some real nice insights in to Maharishi and
Maharishi's teaching.  You should have been there,

mjackson74 writes:
I wish I was gonna be there - I'd ask him a question or two, but I imagine the 
mic would be turned off like they did that Indian guy in the David Wants to Fly 

Dr. Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University
of Management is meeting with the meditating
community today.  Today, on Maharishi University
of Management campus.Dalby Hall,1:30
pmBring a valid Dome badge to
in.Be there or be square,-Buck


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