Your Big Daddy God likes you today - enjoy it! Enjoy his pat of sunshine on 
your little head, and the swell of confidence he instills in you, when you 
drink his beer, with your soft little hands. King Baby, ever triumphant - 
---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 It's strange. I live in a university town, but there are no riots happening. 
There are some folks, after all, who are trying to convince me that if riots 
*were* happening, it would be a sign of the rioters acting in accord with the 
Laws Of Nature. 

Not that the *lack* of evidence of the Laws Of Nature should be a surprise to 
someone living in the Netherlands. I mean, we've got legalized prostitution, 
abortion, and cannabis, and we've had the last one for over 30 years. We were 
one of the first countries on the planet to legalize same-sex marriage, and we 
even allow them steenkin' media pirates to get away with it without fear of 
prosecution. The whole damned country is one big cesspool of sin, so one could 
make a case for the Laws Of Nature not wanting to put in an appearance here. 

So what accounts for all the sunshine and the warm weather, sufficient that I 
can finally sit out on the patio at Bad Habits and work here -- without a coat, 
without gloves, and without a care? There must have been a serious fuckup deep 
in the gears that drive the Laws Of Nature. 

Me, I'm just grateful for the sunshine and the good beer and the good company, 
and don't feel any particular need to "attribute" these things to anything or 
anyone. They just happened, and I happened to be here to appreciate and enjoy 

What a relief. Some people on this forum seem to believe that one can only 
truly appreciate life if they personally (as butt-bouncers emeritus in the 
Fairfield domes) or as members of the group they identify with get the *credit* 
for it. A few of them seem to be freaking out lately, because it's become 
painfully obvious that the "programs" offered by the group they identify with 
can't even keep a bunch of holy pundit boys from rioting and trashing a police 

SO much easier to just assume that All Of This happens pretty much by accident, 
and that neither I nor any group I am part of (if I were part of any group) is 
in any way "responsible" for it happening. SO much less likely to inflate one's 
ego and sense of self-importance. I am just a puny human, enjoying the fruits 
of chance, and trying my best to enjoy them fully. I didn't "create" them, I 
didn't bring them into manifestation with the awesome power of my mind, as 
they've been told they can do with *their* minds by the group they identify 
with. That group has even told them that their minds, because they bounce on 
their butts twice a day, are something-X times more powerful than the minds of 
lesser <spit> non-butt-bouncers like myself. Hard to let go of that much 
imagined self-importance, I guess.

Me, I'm not important at all. I'm just a guy enjoying a beer and rapping on the 
Internet while sitting in the sun. I somehow think I've got a better gig than 
the ones who consider themselves personally responsible for the fate of the 

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