Re "A wise man views women as corpses, bags of urine and faeces.":
 These remarks have a long history. See Marcus Aurelius's cynical advice: 
"Sexual intercourse is the rubbing together of abdomens, accompanied by the 
spasmodic ejaculation of a sticky liquid".

 These maxims which try to reduce sexual love to something unworthy of a noble 
man miss the mark. An adolescent infatuated with an "ordinary" girl is far 
closer to the real. As Oscar Wilde said: ""It is only shallow people who do not 
judge by appearances." 
 They say "Love is blind" - but I say that anyone who sees his beloved as 
someone miraculous has realised that life, our very existence, our realisation 
that even being born is something incredibly unlikely and a unique opportunity 
must experience a sense of astonishment and wonder. Falling in love is probably 
the closest most people get to approaching that sense; a few philosophers don't 
need sexual love but that is not because they are above the common herd (with a 
sneer on their faces) but rather because they walk around in a daze in which 
even the vision of a garden of flowers can astonish and elevate their 

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