I don't know about you, Jimbo, but I'm having fun seeing *you* so jealous of me 
that you're still up posting at 4:54 AM your time. And all because I pointed 
out a few days ago that you -- who claim to be enlightened -- couldn't even 
tell that a "Deepak Chopra quote" posted here was written by a 'bot that just 
strings together buzzwords from his tweets and writings in random order. As I 
pointed out to "Mr. Enlightened" then, it could well be that the output of this 
parody machine sounds a great deal like his *own* writing.  :-)  

Here are a few more "Chopra quotes" that Jimbo will probably think are full of 

"Evolution regulates unparalleled mysteries"

"Awareness is the path to quantum mortality"

"The ego unfolds into subjective bliss"

"People are going to see you for who you are, and not simply accept who you 
think you are."

Oh, wait. That last one wasn't from the Chopra parody website at all. It was 
Jimbo, seemingly writing about himself. :-) :-)  :-)

 From: "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" <doctordumb...@rocketmail.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special

wow - "3:23 AM your time", "obsessing about me", "Mr. Enlightened".
Sure, climb into your cocoon of convention - but, please, do it more quietly. 
We no longer need to hear this POV of yours. Fewer posts, for awhile, if you 
would - or back to TV reviews. 
You numb us with your repetition, and the same angry screeds, against the same 
targets. I watch you smugly dismiss my words, to disguise your embarrassment at 
being called out, and yet, I am almost surprised, that you are so unaware of 
your transparency.
You really have to put on your big boy pants, Barry, to participate on a forum 
that encourages seeing beyond illusions. Being lonely, and just wanting 
attention, doesn't cut it, here. People like me, are going to see you for who 
you are, and not simply accept who you *think* you are.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

You realize, don't you "Mr. Enlightened," that you are still up obsessing about 
me at 3:23 AM your time, right?   :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." <doctordumbass@...>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special

LOL - Birds of a feather, eh? Ha ha, I was wondering when you'd bite, knowing 
with a certainty, that you were reading these posts of mine, despite your past 
[moronic] denials, and recognizing them as applying mostly to you. You are 
exceptionally predictable, Barry. 

Seriously, I post elements of your psyche, on FFL, occasionally, to simply 
force some self-awareness on you, and get you to nudge the stylus over, on that 
skipping record, in your head. And, to give the rest of us a break. Get it? :-) 
Nothing personal - I'd do the same favor, for anyone else, as clueless.

Enlightened people are out to enlighten the world, without playing favorites. 
So, please don't feel
singled out by me -- after all, you ain't *that* special, anyway ;-) You just 
need more work, than most, to wake up from your stupor, and sleepwalking 
doesn't count.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

Meanwhile, the person who claims to be "enlightened" is still obsessing over a 
few posts that never had anything to do with him in the first place, and 
reacting to them by doing *exactly* what he's railing about -- trying to put 
down people he feels he's in competition with in an attempt to be
"special" and "win." Go figure.

If you're "enlightened," you sure make a strong case for everyone to avoid it 
like the plague. 

 From: "doctordumbass@..." <doctordumbass@...>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:07 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who 
might feel special

PS Yay - nothing like a spotlight to hush those *extra special* ones, for whom 
this post applies. Light always provides a shiver down the spine, for those who 
enjoy hiding in their own darkness.:-) 
I find after I post something like this, the childish ones who engage in the 
behavior I am pointing out, cool their jets, for awhile, until they sense "Dad" 
is no longer watching - lol. Then they are back to their infantile tricks - 
can't help themselves; knowledge is structured in consciousness. 
A pretty funny game to play, with those who are fearful of being exposed for 
who they are, yet can't help themselves.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

Ego competition, of course. There are a couple of people on here, always 
ranting and raving against others, who, they insist, are involved in all things 
spiritual, ONLY because, "it makes them feel special". I have always thought it 
was the mightiest of
assumptions to know what someone else is thinking.

Nonetheless, I am curious, not about what drives a person's feelings of 
"specialness", but why another person would bring this up as some kind of 
personal sin against *themselves*, for years. On and on - ranting and raving, 
for days, weeks, months and years. Pretty funny when it becomes clear, the one 
denigrating others for feeling special, is doing so, because, they don't like 
the competition. Who cares if someone else feels, "special"? Seriously, who 
cares? And if someone is feeling inappropriately special, what is the 
alternative being proposed? Oh, right, there isn't one - simply a case of 
jealousy, and ego competition. No alternative is ever proposed, except that the 
perceived special one, STFU.

SO if you see anyone around here, getting down on anyone
who might feel "special", ask yourselves why. The answer is because the one 
making the accusation, is feeling *extra* "special", and doesn't like the 
competition, from those who are not seeing this critic's self-righteous view of 
the world, as they bloody well should.

What a spiritually unenlightened viewpoint. Such thinking is the antithesis of 
forum. Someone who criticizes others, strongly and regularly, for being 
special, or for believing in God, or for not seeing the world as they do, or 
for speaking too much about enlightenment - It appears such a person continues 
on a forum like this, because their differing opinions are strongly outweighed 
by their loneliness. There is no attempt to provide alternatives - just bash, 
bash, bash, as if they are saying, "All of the negatives I am pointing out, are 
to turn you attention back to me". 

What lengths some of us will go to, simply for a little attention, and love.

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